Recently updated on September 6th, 2017
Headache, also known as Cephalalgia, is the symptom of pain anywhere in the region of the head or neck. our day-to-day activities and habits are adapted in such a way that we experience headache in the end of the day, somehow. This is generally noticed in every second individual who is working. The cause may differ for different bodies.
Bismillah hirRahmaan nirRaheem
With The Name of ALLAH, The Gracious and The Merciful
SallALLAHU ‘Alayhe Wasallam
Home Remedies for Pain in Head
Sir Dard Se Nijat Pane ke Liye Gharelu Ilaj
A Headache, Theoretical Introduction by BigRemedies
It appears pertinent first of all to discuss the question: in which portions of the central and peripheral nervous systems can a headache originate i.e. the pain we refer to i.e. the pain which we refer to the interior of the skull, and to what primary causes is it referable? It will be agreed that it is at the present time impossible to give an accurately scientific answer to this question. We are here in many respects still dealing with hypotheses. We can, however, on the strength of observations upon cerebral diseases of most diverse localization, as well as from the results of normal and morbid cerebral anatomy and physiology, establish one or two guiding facts which will help to furnish an answer to the question we have raised. Find Special Wazifa for Headache on yaALLAH Website.
General Diagnosis of Headache by BigRemedies
A headache may be a comparatively independent affection, and remain so throughout the greater part of life. Although in such case it may sensibly prejudice the enjoyment of existence and interfere in no small degree with the capacity or work, it is nevertheless in this form no dangerous evil, nor threatening to life.
Where is the pain felt ?
In the forehead, eyes, temples, vertex or occiput? Always on one side or bilaterally, or does it alter at different times or in individual attacks? Is it superficial or deep? Does the pain begin anteriorly or posteriorly?
What is the nature of the pain ?
Is it only a pressure on the vertex or forehead, a constriction, a sensation of weight or emptiness in the head, or is the feeling as though a board were placed against the forehead, or as though the latter were compressed by a band, or as in a vice? Or is there real pain, a dragging, tearing, boring, or stabbing? Or is there a sensation as though the skull were being burst asunder? Is the pain preceded by twitching of the eyelids, formication in one arm? Is it accompanied by vomiting or nausea?
At what time?
Does the headache usually begin? Chiefly at night? In that case does the pain cause loss of sleep? Does it get worse towards evening? Does it only occur during the day 1 Does it occur at stated times, always the same, or irregularly? Does it come on in periodical attacks— if so, what is the duration of the interval and of the attacks? In the case of women : mainly or exclusively at the menstrual periods, or does it last longer? Approximately how many days or weeks? Is it always of the same intensity, or does it vary? Are there any particular causes which give rise to it or aggravate it, such as stooping talking, masticating, bodily or mental exertion, anger or emotion? Does fresh air improve it, or do cold compresses? Does cold, such as wind or change in the weather, make it worse? Are hot applications soothing?
What are your circumstances of life?
Occupation? Hours of work—regular or irregular? Night work? Are the rooms in which you work well ventilated or hot ? Do you work in the daytime by artificial light (gas?)? Are you frequently exposed to changes of temperature? Do you perspire frequently about head or neck? In the case of women: Do you frequently wash your head with water, and how do you effect the drying? Have you ever had any severe head injury? Did you in such case lose consciousness or bleed at nose or ear? Are you exposed to the effects of poisons, particularly lead and carbon bisulphide? What are your habits as regards spirits ? How much beer, wine, brandy, &c., do you take daily on an average? Are you a heavy smoker ? Have you had syphilis, or malaria ? How long do you sleep? Do you mostly go to bed about the same hour? Are the bowels regularly and adequately open? Was the first onset of the headache preceded by a severe illness, particularly influenza or other infectious disease? Have you suffered from muscular or
articular rheumatism? Do you complain of any affection of eyes, ears, or nose, or did you ever so complain? Do you suffer from tinnitus? Do you sleep with your mouth open? In the case of women the menses should be the subject of interrogation, particularly with regard to the amount of blood lost. Click to see Wazifa for Peace & Happiness in Life.
Did father, mother, brothers or sisters suffer from a headache? If not now, in former years? Grandparents or more distant relatives? Children? Have you knowledge of other nervous or mental diseases or of epilepsy amongst your relatives?
How long have you suffered from headaches?
From childhood, from youth, or did they only begin in later life? Have you been free for considerable periods? Have the nature and seat of the pain been constant, or have you noticed any alteration?
Click to see Leprosy,Blindness,Paralysis & Insanity Treatment in Islam
The More Independent Forms of Headache
1. Migraine is the commonest of all forms of a headache.
Symptomatology: A headache may be the only symptom of the disease ‘Migraine‘. This is no infrequent occurrence. It is by no means confined, as might be concluded from the name hemicrania to one-half of the head. It is characteristic of a migraine headache that it recurs periodically; the frequency of the attacks varying greatly, even in the same individual. Click Wazifa for Migraine on yaALLAH Website.
2. Neurasthenic (Exhaustion) Headache
The neurasthenic is the commonest headache after a migraine. This is a higher pathological degree of a headache from which any healthy individual may temporarily suffer after over-exertion or exhaustion, particularly mental. It is part of the clinical picture of constitutional and acquired neurasthenia, but not infrequently exists for years as the only symptom complained of.
Symptomatology: In the great majority of cases there is no actual pain, but an oppression, a constriction and heaviness of the head.
3. Nodular Rheumatic or Induration Headache
This form of a headache is still too little known and recognized in Germany, even by authors who have specially written upon a headache (cf. Moebius, loc. cit., Windscheid,15 &c.). Flatau considers a rheumatic headache to be rare.
Symptomatology: The majority of patients are women of middle or advanced age, who almost invariably have been in childhood and youth free from any kind of severe headache and, if educated and intelligent, almost without exception deny any hereditary predisposition. Click to see Wazifa to Cure Eyelid Cyst.
Headache Associated with Diseases of Individual Organs
1. Within Cerebral Tumour
Headache is the most constant and, therefore, the most important general symptom of a cerebral tumour; this frequency is also fairly independent of the seat of the tumour. Every protracted, obstinate headache must arouse suspicions of this disease ; it is a signal with which no other morbid symptom is comparable. It is described as dull, boring, or gnawing, and always referred to the interior of the skull ; the patients often declare that they have a feeling as though the head were about to burst. It can best be compared with the migraine headache, and, like the latter, is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The degree of pain is generally extreme, so unbearable as frequently to drive the sufferer to suicide.
2. Inside Cerebral Abscess
Headache is one of the earliest and most constant symptoms of cerebral abscess, otitic, traumatic, or metastatic. Its degree may vary from trifling to the most severe. On the whole, it is not of so great a severity or obstinacy as in the case of a tumour ; it may, however, for a long time dominate the clinical picture as I have frequently seen happen in traumatic abscess of the right lobe. Generally speaking, its seat, and in particular, the localized tenderness of the skull to pressure and percussion is of greater value in abscess than in tumour ; notably in the uncommon subdural encapsulated variety. It is also aggravated by anything leading to increased blood supply to or congestion of the brain.
If the headache is associated with fever, particularly of intermittent type, this is strongly suggestive of cerebral abscess, since this association of symptoms is otherwise found almost exclusively in certain forms of meningitis. Find Dua for Meningitis on yaALLAH Website.
3. Inside Hydrocephalus
In congenital hydrocephalus there usually are no complaints of headache, whether from the inability of children to express themselves clearly, or on account of the capacity of the skull for distension, whereby no increased tension of the dura comes about. The latter is a more plausible explanation.
In acquired hydrocephalus headache plays an important part, both in the so-called idiopathic form, the genesis of which is in many respects debatable, and in the secondary. The latter variety occurs in many acute infectious diseases (pneumonia, typhoid fever), more frequently in tuberculous pleurisy, not uncommonly also in acute suppurative otitis media.
4. Within Meningitis and Encephalitis
In the various forms of acute and subacute meningitis—the chronic syphilitic forms will be discussed later in the section on lues cerebri—the common tuberculous basal meningitis, epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis, as well as suppurative lepto-meningitis, the last of which most commonly arises from purulent otitis media or caries of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, headache is one of the earliest symptoms. Click to see Islamic Remedies for Constipation on yaALLAH Website.
5. Inside Pachymeningitis Interna (Haematoma of the dura mater)
In this affection, which is usually referable to chronic alcoholism, the haemorrhagic diathesis or serious injury to the skull, severe headache precedes or follows the frequently occurring coma. It is not uncommonly localized, especially in head injuries ; its seat may then correspond with the site of greatest sensitiveness to pressure. The commonly occurring fever, convulsions and paretic manifestations which point to compression of the cortex must be taken into consideration in differential diagnosis, by no means always easy, especially from meningitis. Marked remission of all symptoms, particularly of headache, and the localization of paralytic phenomena to the same side as that of the injury (as a result of contrecoup), may readily lead to confusion with hysterical manifestations.
6. In Cerebral and Cerebrospinal Syphilis as well as General Paralysis
Headache is one of the earliest and most constant signs of gummatous basal meningitis as well as of syphilitic meningitis of the convexity and the vascular form of syphilitic cerebral disease, which varieties, as is well known, may all be associated with spinal meningo-myelitis. Headache by no means infrequently constitutes for a long time the sole symptom of the disease, a fact which should always be borne in mind. The pain in these conditions may attain an extraordinarily high degree of severity and may manifest itself in well-defined attacks ; it is characterized, like cerebral and spinal syphilis in general, by marked changes. It is aggravated by mental and bodily exertions. Very commonly, as is the case with many luetic pains, it displays nocturnal exacerbation and is not infrequently restricted to this time. Find Dua for Facial Paralysis here.
7. In Cerebral Arteriosclerosis
In all stages of calcification of the cerebral arteries, headache is a noteworthy symptom. It doubtless occurs mainly through the control of the regulating vasomotor apparatus over the inelastic vessel walls of the brain and its membranes having become uncertain and irregular, and in the most advanced cases almost paralysed. The fact must also be taken into consideration that the vasomotor nerves distributed to the vessels themselves must undergo alteration through the atheromatous process. To this must be added the anaemia (ischaemia) of the vascular areas brought about by narrowing of the arterial lumina. Finally, the nerve terminals in the dura may be directly irritated by the alterations in pressure conditioned by the often coincident cardiac hypertrophy. A headache might be in the milder forms of this disease exist for a long time as the sole pathological manifestation.
8. In Circulatory Disturbances associated with Heart and Lung Disease
All affections of the neighbourhood of the thoracic organs which lead to a passive hyperaemia of the brain may be associated with headache. Click to see Wazifa to Cure Unknown Disease on yaALLAH Website.
9. The Headache of Hysteria
The typical hysterical headache is the so-called clavus Hystericus, the hysterical nail. The patients complain of a peculiar gnawing pain at the vertex or to one side of it, less commonly at the occiput, over an area varying in size from that of a half-crown to the palm of the hand; they often volunteer the statement that they feel as though a nail were being driven into the skull. Its duration is variable; it may be hours, days, or weeks.
10. Headache in Epileptics
In the course of so-called genuine epilepsy— epileptiform attacks caused by organic changes are symptoms of cerebral disease which have for the most part been already discussed (tumours, dementia paralytica, encephalitis, &c.)—headache plays a by no means unimportant and, as it seems to me, an underrated part. As an aura it is not uncommon in the form of a dull, diffuse, mostly transient pain; it may also resemble a migraine attack (with hemianopic disturbances). More often, however, it occurs in the intervals between attacks, in my experience most frequently as frontal oppression, and may be a lasting and severe burden to the patient.
11. Traumatic Headache
Every direct or indirect injury to the skull or skull-contents may produce headache. The most important are naturally actual head-injuries, but spinal concussion, e.g. through heavy falls in a sitting posture, transmitted to the skull, may have the same effect.
12. In Other Diseases of the Brain and Spinal Cord
Under migraine was mentioned the fact that in tabes (also in general paralysis) complete migraine attacks may occur in the initial stages. Since tabes commonly begins in middle age, there is generally no difficulty in excluding true migraine. Click to see Nightfall Cure in Islam on yaALLAH Website.
Natural Remedies for Headaches BigRemedies Treatments
BigRemedies #1
Headache or pain in head remedies from Cinnamon (Dalchini).
How to Prepare and Use the Application of Cinnamon (Dalchini)?
- Make a powder of cinnamon (dalchini) as per the requirement.
- Mix it into water. Make a paste of this.
- Apply this paste on the forehead.
- Keep it for half an hour and then wash it off.
- You will see that the headache will be gone within few minutes.
BigRemedies #2
- Take cinnamon oil (Dalchini ka tel).
- Apply 3 drops of it on your forehead or on the exact place of pain on the head.
- After this get a massage through this oil.
- You will notice the pain will be vanished soon.
- You can also take more than 3 drops to massage your entire head, there is no harm.
- Along with this, swallow a one-fourth tea spoon of cinnamon (dalchini) powder with a luke warm water within a regular time intervals.
BigRemedies #3
Black seed oil remedies for headache or pain in head.
- Massage over the forehead to the the ears with the black seed oil for few minutes.
- Also, mix half tea spoon of black seed oil into 1 tea spoon of honey and intake this mixture twice, every morning and night in a day.
BigRemedies #4
- For Migraine pain drop 1-1 black seed oil in the nostrills which opposite to the side of pain in the head. For example, if the pain is in right half of the head then pour 1 drop in left nostril.
- Also, mix a half tea spoon of black seed oil into luke warm milk and drink this in the night before sleeping. Soon, you will notice the positive affects.
BigRemedies #5
Another very easy and effective remedy to cure headache is to press and pinch the the lower part of your left thumb on your palm. (see picture in the left).