Recently updated on September 10th, 2017
Amraz yani marz ya fir beemari bhi keh sakte hai. Har ek insan ke zindagi mein kabhi na kabhi zarur ati hai. Kabhi zydah paimane par aur kabhi kam. Lekin ye ek hissa hai. Balki Islam mein to ye batlaya gaya hai ke marz jo hamein lagte hai wo hamare gunaah jhaadte hai. Lekin pareshani ka sabab ban jaye to ilaj laazmi hai. Ye post Dua for Health from Sickness and Insha ALLAH will provide shifa from any disease, only if ALLAH wills.
Bismillah hirRahmaan nirRaheem
With The Name of ALLAH, The Gracious and The Merciful
SallALLAHU ‘Alayhe Wasallam
Islamic Spiritual Treatment for Any Kind of Sickness
Dua for Health from Sickness Any Disease Amraz Shifa
Amraz-e-Khabisa se Nijat Hasil karne ka Mu’assir Wazifa
Ae Badshahat Wale, Ae Behad Paak!
Dua for Health from Sickness Any Disease Amraz Shifa Roman English Mein
Har qisam ke gande aur khabees marz se nijat hasil karne ke liye bohat hi mu’assir aur asaan wazifa hai. Agar is wazifa ko apni zindagi ka hissa bana lein tou kabhi kisi gande marz maslan bawaseer waghaira mein mubtila nahi honge aur na hi parde aur sharam gaah ki jagah koi zakhm ya beemari lagegi. Insha ALLAH, ap hamesha har khabees marz se mehfuz rahenge.
Amal karne ka tareeqa
- Kisi bhi din ye wazifa shuru kar sakte hain.
- wuzu ki halat mein kijiye.
- Rozana subah fajar ki namaz aur sham ko maghrib ki namaz ke bad ye amal karna hai.
- Gyarah martaba ”ya Maliku ya Quddusu” parhiye.
- Phir har tarah ke gande amraz se hifazat ki du’a kijiye.
- Is wazifa ko apni zindagi ka mamul bana liiye.
Insha ALLAH, har tarah ke marz se hifazat hogi aur sehat-o-tandrusti ke sath zindagi naseeb hogi. Ameen!
Ghaur talab: Khawateen haiz/mahwaari ke dauran ye wazifa subah aur sham namaz ada kiye baghair parh sakti hain.
امراضِ خبیثہ سے نجات
جو شخص ہر روز صبح کی نماز اور مغرب کی نماز کے بعد گیارہ گیارہ مرتبہ “یٙا مٙلِکُ یٙا قُدُّوسُ“ پڑھ لیا کرے گا وہ انشاء اللّٰه کسی گندے مرض مثلاً بواسیرر وغیرہ میں مبتلا نہ ہوگا اور نہ اسے پردے یا شرم گاہ کی جگہ کوئی بیماریی لگے گی۔ وہ ہمیشہ امراضِ خبیثہ سے محفوظ و مامون رہیگا۔
Har Marz se Hifazat ke liye Asaan Wazifa
Dua for Health from Sickness Any Disease Amraz Shifa Roman English Mein
Agar koi shakhs Ism-e-Mubarak ”ya Mu’minu” ka wird kasrat se karega tou is Ism-e-Mubarak ki barkat se ALLAH Ta’ala usko har tarah ke marz se mehfuz-o-mamoon rakhega.
امراضِ خبیثہ سے حفاظت
اگر کوئی شخص اسم مبارک ” یٙا مُومِنُ “ کا ورد کرے تو اس اسم مبارک کے ورد کی برکت سے اللّٰه تعالیٰ اسے امراضِ خبیثہ سے محفوظ و مامون رکھے گا۔
Jigar ke Marz ke liye Wazifa
Agar kisi mard ya aurat ko jigar ka koi marz ho tou wo ye amal kare, inshaALLAH, kuch hi dino mein marz se nijat milegi.
Amal karne ka tareeqa
- Sab se pahle wuzu banaiye.
- Pak saf kaghaz aur qalam lijiye.
- Kaghaz par mandarza zail kalmat likhiye.
Bismillah hirRahman nirRaheem
”Qul law Kaa nal bahru midadal likaalimaati rabbi lanafida-lbahru qabla an tanfada kalimaatu rabbee walaw jina bimis-lihi madadan‘
بِسمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحِیمِ
قُل لَّوْ كَانَ الْبَحْرُ مِدَادًا لِّكَلِمَاتِ رَبِّي لَنَفِدَ الْبَحْرُ قَبْلَ أَن تَنفَدَ كَلِمَاتُ رَبِّي وَلَوْ جِئْنَا بِمِثْلِهِ مَدَدًا
- Phir is kaghaz ka taweez bana kar kar mariz agar mard hai tou uske bazu par bandh dijiye aur agar aurat hai tou uske gale mein pehana dijiye.
- Iske elawa yehi kalmat kaghaz ya cheeni ki plate par likh kar pani se dho kar wo pani nehar moun (subah khali pait) mariz ko pine ke liye dein.
- Jab tak is marz se shif’a nahi mil jaye rozana ye amal kijiye.
- Agar mariz khud apne liye ye amal karna chahe tou wo khud kar sakta hai.
Insha ALLAH, jigar ke har marz se nijat mil jaye gi aur ALLAH Ta’ala ki rehmat se sehat mand zindagi naseeb hogi. Ameen!
Ghaur talab: Khawateen ye amal haiz/mahwaari ke dino mein na karein.
امراضِ جگر کا علاج
اگر کسی مرد یا عورت کو جگر کا کوئی مرض ہو تو ایک کاغذ پر یہ کلمات لکھ کر تعویذ بنا لیا جائے۔
بِسمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحِیمِ
کَانَ البَحرُ مِدَادً الِّکَلِمَاتِ رٙبِّی
اس تعویذ کو مرد بازو پر باندھے اور عورت گلے میں پہنے۔ علاوہ ازیں یہی کلمات کاغذ یا چینی کی رکابی پر لکھ کر پانی سے دھو کر وہ پانی نہار منہ پیا جائے۔ انشاء اللّٰه العزیز بہت جلد جگر کے ہر مرض سے شفاء نصیب ہوگی۔
Maide Ke Amraz Se Shifa ka Wazfia
Agar koi shakhs mede ke amraz mein mubtila ho, use khana hazam karne mein mushkil pesh aati ho ya mede ki sozish ka masla ho tou wo ye wazifa shuru kare. Insha ALLAH, jald hi uski mede ki takleef dur ho jayegi.
Amal karne ka tareeqa
- Kisi bhi waqt aur kisi bhi din ye amal shuru kar sakte hain.
- Wuzu ki halat mein kijiye.
- Pak saf kaghaz aur qalam lijiye.
- Surat Al-Anbiya (surat # 77) ko arq-e-gulab aur zafran ke sath kaghaz par likhiye.
- Phir kisi saf bartan mein ye kaghaz thori deir ke liye bhigo dein ta ke iski tahreer pani mein shamil ho jaye.
- Ab ye pani mariz ko pine ke liye dijiye.
- Ye amal rozana baghair kisi naghe ke karte rahiye, jab tak mariz ko shif’a naseeb na ho jaye.
- Mariz chahe tou khud bhi ye amal apne liye kar sakta hai.
Insha ALLAH, mede ke har marz se nijat milegi aur shifa-e-kulli naseeb hogi. Ameen!
Ghaur talab: Khawateen haiz/mahwaari ke dino mein ye wazifa kar sakti hain.
امراضِ معدہ سے شفاء
اگر کوئی شخص سورۂ الانبیاء سورة نمبر ۷۷ پاک صاف کاغذ پر زعفران اور عرقِ گلاب کی مدد سے لکھ کر اسے پانی سے دھو کر وہ پانی پئے گا تو انشاء اللّٰه العزیز اسے معدہ کے امراض سے شفاء حاصل ہوگی۔
Dua for Health from Sickness Any Disease Amraz Shifa in English Version
Wazifa for Venereal Diseases
If one is suffering from any kind of venereal disease which is not a normal one. Such disease could be piles, wounds, and fissures etc. In this case, this wazifa will definitely provide a cure Insha ALLAH.
How to Perform this Venereal Disease Wazifa?
- One can start this wazifa on any day and at any suitable time.
- In the state of an ablution.
- Perform this amal every day after morning prayers and twilight (at the time of sunset) prayers.
- Recite eleven (11) times ”ya Maliku ya Quddusu”.
- Afterwards, make a prayer for whatever kind of venereal disease you are affected with.
- There is no limit of days for this wazifa. You can perform this amal until you get fully cured.
Insha ALLAH, you will have good health within few days, Ameen!
Note: Females can recite this dua without offering obligatory prayers during the days of their menses/periods.
Wazifa for Health from Sickness Any Disease Amraz Shifa
If anyone reads this love name ‘ya Mu’minu” continuously then with the blessings and barakah of this name of ALLAH. ALLAH Jalla Jalaaluhoo will grant him safety from every kind of disease no matter if it is a chronic or critical disease.
To Get Cure from Every type of Disease of Liver
If a man or a woman is affected by any kind of disease of the liver. Then, this amal will definitely help to get a cure Insha ALLAH.
How to perform this wazifa to get cure from liver disease
- Any day and at any suitable time.
- Make a fresh ablution.
- Get one pure paper and pen.
- Write the below-written dua with Bismillah Shareef on that paper:
Bismillah hirRahman nirRaheem
”Qul law Kaa nal bahru midadal likaalimaati rabbi lanafida-lbahru qabla an tanfada kalimaatu rabbee walaw jina bimis-lihi madadan‘
See the Above Dua in Arabic
- Make an amulet of this paper and tie it on the right hand if the patient is a male. If the patient is female then let her wear this around her neck.
- Besides this, write the same dua on a china clay plate and wash it off with water and let the patient drink that water. The water should be drunk by the patient only in the morning before eating and drinking anything.
- Perform the same process every day till the patient get entirely cured. Undoubtedly, Quran has the cure of all the diseases, indeed.
- A patient can himself can do this for his cure. He can also request any family member to do this for him.
Insha ALLAH, the patient will definitely get a 100% cure for his liver disease. By The Grace of ALLAH Jalla Jalaaluhoo, he will get a good health in life, Ameen.
Note: Females are not allowed to write this dua during their menses/periods.
Wazifa to Get Cure from Any Kind of Intestinal Diseases
If a person has an intestinal disease, for example, lack of digestion, indigestion,constipation or loose motions etc. These kinds of Intestinal disease can be cured with the help of this wazifa Insha ALLAH. Find Kidney Stone Treatment here.
How to Perform this Intestinal Diseases Wazifa?
- On any day at any suitable time
- In the state of an ablution.
- Mix rose water and saffron in the required amount of water.
- Write Surah Al-Anbiya (Surah #77) with that mixture on clean paper.
- Then, let this paper be rinsed in the water within any utensil. This will disolve all the letters written with that mixture in that water.
- The patient should drink this water.
- Perform this amal every day without skipping any single day until the patient can be cured.
- Insha ALLAH you will notice that the patient will get cured of his Intestinal Diseases, Ameen.
- A patient can himself perform this wazifa or he can request any one to do on his behalf.
Note: Females are not allowed to write this dua during their menses/periods. They can request someone to write this dua.
Mujhe sciatica ki prblm hai 5 month sey dawai lere kch asar nhi hore aur swelling bhi hai plz kch wazifa bataye
Ye amal kijiye sis –
ALLAH Ta’ala apko shifa-e-kamilah ata kare. Ameen.
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sir mera hadsa hua or mera mohra frekchur hogiyaa opret kia mgrr kuxx frq na praa mery paon sun haiiin or in m hrkat nae .to mery lye kia Hukm h
Yahan se amal kijiye bhai –
ALLAH Ta’ala apko shifa-e-kamila ata kare. Ameen!
Assalamu alaikum brother, is there any wazifa to enlarge penis size? And any wazifa to last longer in bed?? Please reply and help brother!!
for your Former problem ‘No’ for your latter issues check this link- select the best that suits you.
Wazifa for the periods/menses
Dear sis, please let me know what kind of problem you are facing? Is it irregularity then do an amal from here- if its stopped then do an amal from here- if excess bleeding is there then click here and start amal- wazifa karne ki permission ke liye ap follow is link par kijiye- Like Like, Review, and Follow my personal Facebook page here-
Brother, you are really doing a great service to umma.May Allah bless you!
Jaza kALLAHU Khair dear brother!
Be a proud member of yaALLAH FB Group where thousands of Muslims resolving & sharing their problems. Join Now!!-
Bhaijaan aapne maide ke ilaj me surah al anbiya kagaz par likhne ko kaha he
to usme puri surah likhni he ya sirf ayat no. 77?
dear sis Surat Al-Anbiya (surat # 77) ko arq-e-gulab aur zafran ke sath kaghaz par likhiye. Surah Al Anbiya ka adad hai #77 ayat nahi. Matlab puri surat likhni hai apko.
Why are recently in ur language. Can u pls translate
In which language you need the post? Like Like, Review, and Follow my personal Facebook page here-