Recently updated on October 15th, 2016
“Bismillah Hirrahman Nirraheem”
“In The Name of Allah The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful”
“SallALLAHU A’la Muhammad SallALLHU Alayhe Wa Alayhi Wasallam”
Dua For Success in Business Job Life
As-salamu-alaykum Warehmatullahe Wabarakaatuhoo!
Please note before going ahead:
Please, you must try this wazifa with all the punctuality for 15 days continously. It will definitely work insha ALLAH. I have seen a lot of people who do not take benefits of this easy and powerful wazifa.
Another benefit of this wazifa is that by this, people/Dunya and other facilities or luxuries of this world will start moving towards you, which were not comming to you before this. So don’t be dis heart, just follow this one. If you are succeeded in this wazifa please Thanks to ALLAH SUBHAANAHU WA TA’ALA and continue this spiritual ritual/ wazifa/ amal forever.
English explaination:
It is my experience that there is no best and fast working wazifa more than the wazaif told by our PROPHET SALLALLAH ALAIHE WASALLAM. This is also HIS wazifa for his Ummat. It is English Translation of that Hadees Sharif in which this wazifa “Dua For Success in Business Job Life” is given.
“One day a Sahabi Radi ALLAH Anho came to our beloved and great PROPHET SALLALLAHU ALAIHE WASALLAM and told him that YA RASULALLAH i am very poor and world has turned its face from me, please help me in this regard. Then the PROPHET SALLALLAHU ALAIHE WASALLAM said to him that do you forget the wazifa/ wird of ANGELS, due to Barakah of which wealth and food is given to all worlds. You start reading this wird between 2 Sunnat and 2 Farz of Fajr Prayers, you will see that wealth and world will itself come to you on its head. The Sahabi Radi ALLAH Anho told that it has passed just 7 days while i wad reading that wazifa, wealth came to me in such a great number that my place become short to store that wealth.”
So, My lovely readers and followers you have to read this wazifa for only 100 times after 2 Sunnat of Fajr and before 2 Farz of Fajr daily. Read Durood Shareef in start and end 1,3,5,7, or 11 times.
English Transliteration
Subhan ALLAHE Wabihamdeehi SubhanALLAHIL A’zeem Astaghfirullah
If you want to increase the power and speed of this wazifa then also read following for 300 times after Esha Prayer. If you did this i am sure sure sure and Guarantee you that wealth will come to you like flood water.
English Transliteration
Ya Hayyo Ya Qayyum Birahmatika Astaghees
English Translation:
‘O Living, O Sustaining, in Your Mercy I seek relief!’
Urdu Explaination:
Sayyiduna Anas ibn Maalik (RadhiALLAHU Anhu) reports that RasulALLAH (SallALLAHU Alayhi Wasallam) once mentioned to Sayyiduna Faatima (Radhi ALLAHU Anha) to recite the following supplication morning and evening, ‘Yaa hayyu yaa qayoomu, birahmatika astagheeth’. Aslih liy sha-aniy kulluhu wa laa takilniy ilaa nafsiy tarfata aynin.’ (Trans: On You Who is Everliving and Sustains and Protects everything, I seek assistance through the means of your mercy, correct for me all my affairs and do not entrust me to my Nafs (myself) for the moment of a blink of an eye.’) (Mustadrak al-Haakim vol.1 pg.545; Shu’ubul Iemaan of Imaam Bayhaqi Hadith No.:760, 761) Imaam Haakim and Imaam Dhahabiy have classified this narration as Sahih (authentic).
Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Mas’ood (RadhiALLAHU Anhu) narrated that whenever RasulALLAH (SallALLAHU Alayhi Wasallam) used to be afflicted in any worry or concern, he used to recite the following supplication, ‘Yaa Hayy Yaa Qayyoom birahmatika astagheeth.’ (Mustadrak al-Haakim vol.1 pg.509; Shu’ubul Iemaan of Imaam Bayhaqi Hadith No.:10231) Also see Kitaabud Du’aa of Imaam Tabrani pg.47 and Majmauz zawaaid vol.10 pg.147
Pehle wali Tasbeeh ko 100 dafa apko parna hai rozana Fajar ki Sunnat parne ke bad Farz parne se pehle. Agar ap is ki speed or Power ko badana chahte hain to dusri wali dua ko Isha ke bad 300 martaba paden rozana. Ye lazmi/zaruri nahi hai warna pehli wali se hi kaam ho jayega Insha ALLAH Azzawajal.
Salaam alaykum. PLEASE can someone explain this wazifa for me carefully? I really do not understand it. Thank you
Which point aren’t you getting?
Can women’s read this wajifa during menses
Women should omit those days as they are not permitted to offer prayers during their periods. Though they can recite these du’as without offering prayers, if they have memorized them.
i did it and my ant did it every morning.. Both got a job during 1 month and had no problems with money ispite of magic and joblesss durinng many years!
Masha ALLAH, it’s great to hear from you. Kindly describe this with details. So that, i can publish your message as a Testimonial on Website. Don’t worry, your personal information will never be disclosed.
Assalamualaikum can I do this wazaif for the one who I love for his barakah in business.plss ans me it’s urgent
Yes you can do this amal for him.
Assalamu alaikum.. Shall i do this on the behalf of my husband?
Yes you can do this amal on behalf of your husband. #yaALLAHcomments
can i perform wazifa to become rich and wazifa for job life/business success both at a time
Yes you can do both the wazaif at the same time. #yaALLAHcomments
Aoa bhai i want to talk to you where should i contact???
You can contact me here sis- between 12:30-2:30pm Indian Standard Time.
Assalamu aleikum,janab me karz me dub raha hu meri busines accha chalta tha achanak sab khatm ho gaya khuda ke baste koi wazifa amal bataye
Dear brother, qarz ada karne ke liye ye amal karein – aur karobar ki taraqqi ke liye uper diya gya amal karein. yaALLAH Community ko join karen jahan Hazaron ki tadad mein Musalman ek dusre ki madad kar rahe hain.
Join Now!!-
Agar ap mazeed tafseel mein bat krna chahte hain to ‘ya ALLAH FB Messenger’ pe message karein-
“Dua For Success in Business Job Life”
Assalamu alaikum,
Dear bhai,
2 years back i got married to my very far relative and it was a arrange marriage. Alhumdulilah im very happy with this marriage and now we have a baby girl. Since we got engaged my relatives where very jealous if my relation because my hubby (Adil Ahamnad my husband name) was rich guy who lived in dubai from small. During my engagement my hubby thought to startup a real estate business with his friend called Mohammed Azeem and both put equal money. In some 6 months time we got married and that time his friend told to start the work so my hubby told ok and start doing both arrangements of marriage and work but in this time my hubby forgot to make partnership agreement. Slowly work started and they got a good deal of some millions. Since i had a minor operation in india we gad to leave back home soon as soon so we left, where his partner told he will take care if money and business for sometimes. And they shared their part of commission. Meanwhile his partner transferred rest lakhs of money in his personal account and transfer it to some of his personal contacts and made all documents and bank accounts in his name. After we came back my hubby got to know about it and questioned him but he was not read to answer and when my hubby told him to sign the partnership agreement he was not ready. He told he is a single owner of that company. They both started arguing but nothing worked. His partner was not ready to take partnership nor give us the amount shared. My hubby just broke down and i was also 5 months pregnant at that time. All if the stress started at our home. My hubby tried convincing him but that was of no use. Then lucky my husband got job in his old company but whenever he tried to close the deals something stops him and deals gets spoiled by this he was thrown out of that company then after 3 months again got job but again same problem then again he got job now but nothing is happening. All of these stress got to my baby girl. Because of the stress i took my baby got hole in her heart. We are so stressed from the time we git married. Something is cause my family to fight with us. My family’s and my hubby’s relation went totally messed up because of my relatives. We are just going down and down financially. We pray 5 times and i read Quran daily having faith in Allah but don’t know why Allah is not helping us. Pls help us and one more last question can i do that wazifa of ” “Dua For Success in Business Job Life” . Pls grant me permission.
Dear sis, you can apply an amal for your daughter from this link – insha ALLAH she will be cured soon. In order to seek the permission of ‘yaALLAH Dua Wazaif’, you need to subscribe the website through this link-
Be a proud member of yaALLAH FB Group where thousands of Muslims resolving & sharing their problems. Join Now!!- #yaALLAHcomments
Salaam waleikum. …I want the wazifa for increment in my dad job… the above wazifa applicable and can I start reading it….pls reply…jazakallah
Yes you can start reciting it. Be a proud member of yaALLAH FB Group where thousands of Muslims resolving & sharing their problems. Join Now!!-
Assalamu alaikum., how can i contact you. I dont have facebook account and yesterday i created your wordpress account and posted my problem but I haven’t received any replies from you. So forcefully i had to comment here
You can ask me here or you can drop me a private message at I will reply you there.
Be a proud member of yaALLAH FB Group where thousands of Muslims resolving & sharing their problems. Join Now!!- #yaALLAHcomments
please send me the key of success in hole life
Dear brother, you may apply an amal from this link –
Be a proud member of yaALLAH FB Group where thousands of Muslims resolving & sharing their problems. Join Now!!-
asalamualikum my father lost of debit to give he getts lost of loss in his business wen ever
he do a new job or busniess he does not get success pls tell me some dua to read or wat t do
Dear sis, perform this wazifa and inform me after completing it –
Be a proud member of yaALLAH FB Group where thousands of Muslims resolving & sharing their problems. Join Now!!-
This is my new job after read this i can success in my job.? Plsplsreply me
Yes, you can read this du’a to make your job successful for you. Be a proud member of yaALLAH FB Group where thousands of Muslims resolving & sharing their problems. Join Now!!-
Dear Imran bhai just one question reg this wazifa. Should we so a dua after the wazifa between the Fajr sunnat & farzs or after doing the post Isha wird?
I didn’t get what you want to ask? #yaALLAHcomments
Imran bhai we do a dua for our hajat after a wazifa. Since you mention that the original wazifa is done between Fajar prayers & a second boost of Y Haiyu Ya Qayoom is recited after Isha. My question was when should I make dua for my hajat? After the Fajar prayer part or after finishing the post Isha namaz part.
Bro you are commenting on wrong page. Send me the link of that wazifa. Join Muslims Worldwide, yaALLAH Facbook Group- #yaALLAHfb #yaALLAHcomments
Imran bhai normally after reciting a wazifa we make a dua for our hajat.
So I just wanted to ask that when should I make a dua for my hajaat during this wazifa? Whether after the Subhanallah e wabihamdihi part of the wazifa in the Fajar prayer
After the Ya Haiy u Ya Qayum u vird after the Isha namaz?
Thank you
Send me the link. #yaALLAHfb #yaALLAHcomments Join Muslims Worldwide, yaALLAH Facbook Group-
Please also mention Hadees from where it is taken. It need at the time when people will ask me about authenticity of this hades.
Assalmoalekum , main ne kuch website pe padha h ki “subanallahi wabehamdihi subanallahil azeem wabehamdihi astagfirulah” padhne k liya aur tareqa bilkul same h to kya is ko padh sakte h
thank you for such a wonderful dua. I have two questions please take your valuable time to answer me, I shall be very thankful to you. my first question is that I am moving from india to Canada and can I recite it there so that I can get a job in Canada otherwise I could land up in a big problem and I have no work experience? my second question is, in many website there is a small addition in the dua you mentioned and that is subhanallahi wa bihamdihi subhanallahil adzim wabihamdihi astaghfirullah and dua you mentioned is Subhan ALLAHE Wabihamdeehi SubhanALLAHIL A’zeem Astaghfirullah. Please clarify.
Thank you so much.
Buoy can recite the one which is here on #yaALLAHcomments
Assalam Alikum Brother. Hope you are doing well.
I just wanna know that, if am working in one of the company. Is this wazifa will work or this wazifa is only for the Business Man who needs growth in their Business.
Awaiting for your Reply
Your Brother in Islam
Jazak Allah
yes it will work insha ALLAH. #yaALLAHcomments
Is wazefa ko padny k bad dua mangi hai ya nhi . ya fir sedha faraz ke neyet bandh leni hai plz complete explane sunah padny k bad ya word kura end mai droid shareef padny k bad dua mangi hai k nhi
May almighty Allah sustain you here and after here.Ya wahab to get Job ,I got it on your site and share it.i am testifying it work fast.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Congrats!! That’s really great brother! I am happy! #yaALLAHcomments #yaALLAHtestimonials
Salamunalykum, I’m Ibrahim Yusuf, I ‘ve been living in Italy for the past Five years now! Sir I can’t even give you a detail on my conditions on my life my life story! However I had never had a job since five years that I spend here, even for half a month, it has never happened, I did all my best to find a job but still Nothing yet, there’s an Italian who contact me, this was 9 months ago! That he wants to open an immigration camp here so that we work together! But unfortunately we couldn’t found a place to start this job please help me by remembering me in your prayers and please help me with some prayers even it I don’t know the Arabic, I need your Help in prayer and I believe Allaha will answer our prayers. I did like to ask you something which is bothering me. Sir what do you mean by: Sunnat of Fajr and Farz of Fajr?
I found it in Duas for success business job life. Can I do this wazifa to slove my problems?
Please Sir reply me back on this Mali: “email redacted”
Sunnah of Fajr means the 2 rakah Sunnah prayer before the 2 rakah obligatory (fard) prayer which we offer with Jamaat. #yaALLAHcomments
As salam alikum am from India recently I have finished fashion designing course but I can’t to go for job bcos I have a 5 years old kid so I want to start own business at home once I get customers then I want to open my boutique but am not getting customers so can I read this wazifa it wil work for me plz rply me
thank you for the useful information
thanks for providing wazifa for the muslims who do not know about this before, may Allah help you to spreading the knowledge of Islam.
Jaza kALLAHU khair. #yaALLAHcomments
Aslaamalikum, my family have started a small business from home. We are able to get customers but they are only people who we know so the income we get is very small. We want to be able to sell our items to people all of England which inshallah could help increase our income. With your permission, can I please read this dua?
Dear sir,
Jazakallah khair for your valuable reply ,InshaAllah I will start the wazifa from tommorow and I hope 100.% that I will get he result. You are doing an excellent Khalq E Khidmat sir , may allah help you in your efforts.
Thanks and Jaza kALLAHU khair to you. I am just trying.. be here always. #yaALLAHcomments #yaALLAHwishes
Assalamu alaikum. Can i perform this wazifa (wazifa for success in business job life) for my husband. My husband is staying in UAE and I am with my parents. We were looking for a dua for my husband to get more increment in work so that i can go back to stay with him. So can i perform this wazifa for him on his behalf.
Yes surely you can perform this wazifa, you need to be a follower of yaALLAH. #yaALLAHcomments
Assalaam alaikum sir,
I am from India, I am a medical graduate but after graduation I could not succeed in my medical practice and could not gain proper knowledge and experience due to many hurdles and now i am working as a secretary in private company. I want to be successful in my medical practice and settle in my own home town please suggest me some solution.
I hope this ya ALLAH wazifa will surely work- #yaALLAHcomments
Salaam alaikum bhai main saudi main rehta hoon meray ko 5 month say salary nahi mili bahut pareshan hoon koi wazifa batae
Is link se ek wazifa kar le ap jo apko suit kare, insha ALLAH apki pareshani hal hogi. Thoda bahut sadaqah bhi de de. Karne se pahle. #yaALLAHcomments
Assalam walequm wa rehamtulla hi wa barkathu bhai mera naam shaikh Abdul Rashid hai Mumbai se hoon thoda ghareeb hoon shaadi hui hai meri aur allah paak ke karam se 2 bacche hai main apni biwi se bahot pyaar karta hoon .aur woh bhi shayad mujhse zyada karti hai .bhai badi pareshani zindagi main aagai hai hamari shaadi ko 8saal hue hai meri biwi kareeb ki saheli jo ki gaon main rehti hai uski shaadi ko 9saal ho chuke hai 2 bacche hai use aur paise wali family se hai kareeb last year uska phone meri biwi ko paheli baar aya usdauran meri uski baat pehli baar hui aur poore saal humne kareeb 4se5 martaba baat hui wo accidentally kyun wo wife se baat chahti thi aur meri wife ke pass mobile nahi hai to mere no phone ata aur main ghar se bahar tha to unko itna kehta tha ke main bahar shaam ko baat kara doonga lekkin wo mujhe acchi lagne lagi thi aur mujhe lagta tha wo mujhe pasand karti hai jab pichla friendship day ko usne kuch friendship ke msg what’s app kiye mere wife ko to us waqt mai ghar se bahar tha to main ne mere wife ke wife behalf main rose aur friendship ke msg what’s app kiye to yahi hamari shuru hui aur thik doosre din maine phone proposed kar diya aur wo dar mare kuch nahi boli phir haan kardiya aur hum ek doosre bahot kareeb agay pyaar karne lage bin dekhe shaadi karna chahte hai halake wo apne husband se pyaar karti hai lekin kehti hai use bhi zyada mujhe se pyaar karti hai lekin bahot darti hai 2se3mahine main hum pagal hogay ab uske gharwalo ko aur meri biwi ko pata chal gaya hamari 2mahine se band hai mujhse raha nahi jaraha paglo wali hui hai meri main janta wo bahot pareshan hai mere liye waha par bhai kya islam main koi aisa tareeqa hai ke wo mujhe milegi ya nahi iska pata chalice sake bahot pareshan hoon nikah karna chahta hoon kya ho sakta hai hoga to kaise hoga jawab chahiye iska nazar andaaz nahi karna plz bahot Mushkil hoon main apni biwi ko nahi chhodna chahta
Ap is link se wazifa kar le bhai. Islam me ise malum kare ke ye apke liye behtar hai ya nahi. Lekin pahli biwi ke huqooq nahi marna ap.- #yaALLAHcomments #Quran #Dua #MuslimMarriage #Matrimony
Asalaam Alaikum, Dear Brother,
I would like to do a wazifa for business life success , do i have permission to read this wazifa and is there is any other requirements i.e give sadaqa or send savaab, also while performing this wazifa can i perform another one at the same time a wazifa for studying or do i have to complete for 15 days and then start another one.
Also can i continue to recite 99 names of Allah while doing wazifa.
Jazak Allahu Khair
Yes you can.
Assalam Walekum Sir i want you to please make dua for is every hard for me;any things i put my hand in it can not come out good for almost 15 years now am surffring so please make dua for me.I am residing in Guinea;Conakry.
Thank you.
Salam imran ji, mei jis company me kam karti ho 5 years ho gai lekin malom nahi kya howa mujhe hours nahi dete. Mei casual list par hu,bhohot jalan bhi hai.plz koi dua bataiye. Aur ha mei follower ho app ki site ki.
Sis mujhe apki query samaj nhi ayi
Can u explain the due which we have to read in fajr it says after sunnat ans before farz which means 200 do we have to read 200 or 100
Plz muje aap marriage aur good job k liye wazifa btae mai ne bohat se wazaif parhe but abi thak dua qabool nahi howe.plz koi tested wazifa btae jis se mere dono problems solve ho.
Mujy apni mamo ki beti pasand hai aur miri pasand ko 5 saal ho gy min us k baghair rah bi ni pa ra chahta hun k miry sath rahy par abi tak kuch bana bi ni hun to shadi kro ya ni, asal min miry khandanwaly ni chahty mira rishta un sy ho jis ki wajah sy unho ny mujh par kala jado kr dia taky mar jaon min us ka kat kr dia par mujhy zahni aur dil sy itna kamzorkr dia hai k min jis sy ab miri ya kafiat hai min kia karon bs rita rahta hun min chata hun k kuch careear bny phr shadi kron apni mrzi sy jeon par ab un k bagaur dam ghut ta hai help me plz.
JAZAKALLAH i will wait
can you pleace tel me about job wazifa. am realy in trouble and need job me.. pleace help this sister
Hmari shadi ko 3 years hogye par abhi tak koi baby nahi hua hm or hmare husband bhot pareshan hain sare mdical trtmnt pure hogye par kuch natija nahi nikalrha hain…hme lagta h hmare uppr koi bandish ki hue hain plz koi aise dua den k hmari godi jald bhar jaye plz or hmare liye dua bhi kare
Salaam insallah I will start this wazifa on Wednesday 4th March 2015 because I am at work I will try my best to read 5 namaz Fajr,Esha I make sure I defiantly read insallah please pray for me Allah tala give strength.
salam bhaiya
For Success in Business or Job or Life
jo 2 dua hain yahan
kya main yeh dua mere ek bohot hi kareebe person hain. uske liye padh sakti hoon? woh mere dua mein bohot varosa karta hain. kabhi kabhi unki business mein rukawat aa jati hain. yani ke slow ho jata hain, maine suna ke ek musalman dusre muslman ke liye duua kare toh woh kabhi reject nahin hota hain. phir bhi, aap sab hamse kuch toh jyada jante hain, isiliye poocch rahi. kya main kar sakti hoon?
dua o mein yaad rakhiye gaa bhai.
May Allah(SWT) bless you and your entire family
Better hai wo khud kare
phir bhi agar main akroon toh kuch bhi asar nahin hoga bhiya ? ya phir kuch asar hoga? pls batade :(.. Allah kare kuch toh asar ho….. agar woh khud na kar paye toh main agar unki liye DUA mangoo toh kya asar hoga bhaiya?
Asar insha ALLAH ummid kare hoga.
jajak allah Khairan
In sha Allah…. sukoon mila bhai… Allah mere haar murad puri karein Ameen
Apko or apki family pe Allah ka raham hamesha rahein bhai… kal meri 2 bhabi, meri khala, aur 5/6 dosoto ko apki website ka link de diya.. aur kaha subscribe or join karne ke liye
Dua mein yaad rakhna bhai
I sent you a link please click on that to confirm membership.
You are already a member
Assalamualaikum,7mahino se kaam chhoot gaya hai .jitni koshish ki magar kamyabi nahi milk kuch raasta batlayen
Check this link-
Plz help me i am in very big problem mera job chala gaya hai, aur vahi job mujhe firse chahiye, mai mere friend k medical me job par thi, ded sal se mai vaha job par thi, lekin vaha k delivery boy ne mere friend ke daddy ko mere bare me galat batein batakar mere aur mere friend ke bare me bhatkaya ,isliye mere friend ke daddy ne mujhe medical se nikal diya,
mujhe us job ki bahot jarurat hai, mere ghar ki halat bahot kharab hai, plz help me plz
kuch aisa karna chahiye ki mere friend k daddy ne mujhe medical me job par jaldi bulana chahiye, plz pray for me plz
apka bahot bada aihsan hoga mujpar plz
Check the new wazifa on
wazaif/worldy-problems/wazifa-for-rizk-worldy-problems/ The link is NOT working ?
Bhai apne rply nahi Kia
for what?
Salam Bhai main bohot parshan hoon. Mere studies k silsale mai intership means job Chaiye hai Experience hasil karne k liye. Aik jaga start Kia mujhe 3 dihn baad nikhal diya. Dusri jaga apply kia rply nahi aya aur 3rd jaga se naa ho gai. Main bohot parshan hoon job k liye haar jaga pe naa hoti ja rahi hai. Meri studies rukh jayge gi. Plz help me out? Something powerfull aik week k andher mujhe kahin job mil jayge.
Profile kya hai apki sis. Aur ha is link se wazifa shuru kijiye-
Profile kaun si? Main already marriage of my own choice wala wazif kari hoon Can i fo 2 at the same tym?
Ok Then i shall wt to complete the other One?
Salam Bhai main bohot parshan hoon. Mere studies k silsale mai intership means job Chaiye hai Experience hasil karne k liye. Aik jaga start Kia mujhe 3 dihn baad nikhal diya. Dusri jaga apply kia rply nahi aya aur 3rd jaga se naa ho gai. Main bohot parshan hoon job k liye haar jaga pe naa hoti ja rahi hai. Meri studies rukh jayge gi. Plz help me out? Something powerfull aik week k andher mujhe kahin job mil jayge.
mein pichly 28 saal se UAE mein mukeem hoon. Mere miyan ne apne bhen bhaiyon k lye bht kuch kiya aur unko bhi yahan set kya. Ab wohi meri aulad ke dushman ban gae hain. Chalty karobaron per bhi kuch aisa kya hai k karobar khatam ho rahy hain . Bety ki zindagi ko bhi tabah kr chuky hain aur mera aik hi beta hai Kuch aisa wazefah batae jis se mere kaobar bhi aur jo mere bachon per jaddo aur dushmani k waar kye hain un ka toor ho. jitna hi un k lye acha kya hai who utna hi bura kerty hain mere aur mere bacho k sath. mere miyan k dil mein sirf apny bhen bhai hi hain. ik maa ki dua lein aur in k lye mujhy wazefa bata dein.Shukriya
As salamu alaykum dear sis,
For success in business see the above wazifa and start.
maine 1 saal say UAE me mukeem hon mera koi karobar ni chalta yaha hr kaam me naksan hota hai brye mahrbani koi wazifa batine jis say atmnan qalab hasal ho or rizeq qushada ho shokria
Upar diya hua hai bhai, wazifa shuru kijiye ap. insha ALLAH sab thik hojayega.
Asalam walaikum
I’m running my own school which was very successful. But past 1 year the competitors around our locality are trying to spoil the name of the school and even trying to take away the admission. Can you give me a solution on how to deal with them. Even I need some dua for keeping our parents happy and satisfied with out any complains
Check this link:
For peace and happiness:
Send wasifa for sucess in deen and duniya
Kamyabi- ya Muktadiro 744 times every day. Durood 10 times before and after.
duwa se pahle aur baad me 21 martba Durede shareef parhna
Haq Haq Haq Bismillah hirraheman nirrahim,
Ya Musabbibu sabbib Ya Mudabbiru dabbir
Ya mufattihu fatte Ya Musayiru yassir Bi haqqi Lailaha illaAllah Muhammadur rasulullah sallalaho alyehi wasallam
حق حق حق بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم يا مسبب سبب يا مدبر دببر يا مفتح فتح يا مسير يسر بحق لااله
الا الله محمد رسول الله صلى الله و عليه و سلم
Duwa karne se phele niyat karlo ke Allah tala apni rahemat se masla hal kardengay. Allah tala zarur kamyab karengay. Pancho namaaz ke baad waqat na mil saka to din me do time zaror praha kare. Aur Allah se apni hajat talab kare..
I am student of architecture.but cannot finish my education in time.I dont know why.I have no money problem or family friend finish their education and try getting job.I felt very parents also sad.tell me some me.please give some solution.what I can I do for my life for getting better.
Check this wazifa and you can start:
Sir i am govt teacher and my school is 110km away from my house and i want transfer, plz tell me any strong wazifa for this. thanks
Check this link, insha ALLAH hojayega:
Sir place is not mention anywhere. can i change place during complete this wazifa?
Yes you can change.
Sir, i want to do this wazifa on behalf of my father business sucess. plz give me permission and also tell me ” is it necessery to do this wazifa on same palace daily”.
You can do the wazifa. If it’s written for the same place then you must have to.
Assalamu alekum
Bhai mere ek pehchan wali hai un ke pet me bahot dard rehta hai wo pregnant bhi hai wo bahot pareshan hai AAP un ke liye koi dua ya wazifa batay jin se un ki taqlif kam ho jay AAP dekhiye na ke kisi ne unhe kuch kiya to nahi un ka naam gulnaz hai or unki maa ka naam kamarjahan hai
Assalamu alekum
Bhai mere ek pehchan wali hai un ke pet me bahot dard rehta hai wo pregnant bhi hai wo bahot pareshan hai AAP un ke liye koi dua ya wazifa batay jin se un ki taqlif kam ho jay AAP dekhiye na ke kisi ne unhe kuch kiya to nahi
ye wazifa kijiye:
Dard ke liye:
assalamualaikum ..kya ye wazifa mai apne hone wale sohor me like padh sakti hu…..?
Brother plz reply to my previous msgs….
Let me know your query.
Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rehmatullahe wa Barkatuhu Wa Maghfiratuhu…
Brother can I perform this wazifa on behalf of my cousin..??
I need this wazifa urgently…!
Brother, the problem is that my cousin is trying to start a new business and for starting that business he needs some money and that money is to be recovered from someone. My cousin’s father had lent the money to that person and now my cousin is in urgent need of that money to start his business as soon as possible… can I perform this wazifa for him..??
Eagerly waiting for your reply…
as-salamalaykum i have done the above wazifa punctually for 14 days along with 2nd wazifa but no result shall i continue it? i also recite ya musabbe bal asbaab in evening hours after esha prayer, i am having lot of fiancial problem also trying to get a job in abroad plss do help me out thank you…
See a wazifa:
as-salamalaykum insha allah will start the above wazifa,can u plss tell me at what time shall i perform this wazifa,and shall i continue the wazifa which i performed 14 days in fajr. is there any wazifa for change of job i am trying hard to get abroad job daily from last 2 years i keep on applying my resume but no result, will be pleased if u give some wazifa for abroad job.
Check this link for wazifa:
Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rehmatullahe wa Barkatuhu Wa Maghfiratuhu…
Brother can I perform this wazifa on behalf of my cousin..??
I need this wazifa urgently…!
Eagerly waiting for your reply…
Brother, the problem is that my cousin is trying to start a new business and for starting that business he needs some money and that money is to be recovered from someone. My cousin’s father had lent the money to that person and now my cousin is in urgent need of that money to start his business as soon as possible… can I perform this wazifa for him..??
Plz tell me briefly which time and he many times I have to read for success
please see carefully.
You did not give the english explanation of ya ayyu ya qoyyum bi ramatika astagishu . Kindly send to my salam.
Hadrat Imran was a Prophet as the father of Prophet Harun and Prophet Musa.
Please check the same page now for english translation.
1). is there any proof that this reciting works??
2). how does it workd?, it gives rizq? or wealth ,or money ?
3). plz give any example
It worked for so many people. This is Kalam-ul-ALLAH and words of ALLAH Zill-e-Shanahu has immense powers.
All it needs is devotion, charity along with the great sincerity. Once you perform this, insha ALLAH you will get the favorable results.
If for example I am not really wanting rizq , I want money , (for instance i work on computer and have a website, )
how will it help me ? to make my project successful, to give me lots of money.
Just please clarify that would there be a source of income generated for me in cash ? through the work i do on web.?
You can do the above wazifa, you will get success in your job, whatever you do.
assalamoalykum bhai..
can i read this wazifa for the success of my father’s business .
otherwise plese suggest me dua or wazifa for the success of my father business. we are in vry trouble.
Walekum as salam,
yes you can read it. Please join yaALLAH before doing this. Click on ‘Accept Invitation’ that you have received in your email inbox.
yeh muje kitne din pdhna hai.?
Jab tak asar na dikhe.
Salam to all. I read this wazifa and believe me i got job in a week by the grace of ALLAH. Must read it but condition is you must have faith on ALLAH and never miss namaz.
Extremely right, May ALLAH Azzawajal give you success, Ameen.
is wazife ke start me kitni bar darood-pak parhna hai aur akhir me kitni bar.?
As salamu alaykum,
Please follow I’ve sent you an email with a link to confirm your membership. Click on that link.
It is already written there- “Read Durood Shareef in start and end 1,3,5,7, or 11 times.”
Asalam u Alaikum sir plzzz suggest me any wazifa for my husband when ever he write letter for his work there is always different problems or it get rejection plz suggest me some very good wazifa
As salamu alaykum, Please follow at the first priority.
Do you need a powerful wazifa for getting a good job. Check this link for wazifa for getting job:
“Subhanallahi wabihamdehi subhanallahil azeem” i read this part. it is okay? pls reply
Read this- “Subhan Allahe Wabihamdeehi SubhanAllahil ‘Azeem Astaghfirullah”
can we read only ENGLISH translation part , pls reply
No, you have to read in arabic.
i strated this wazifa how many dyas i need to read ” Subhanllahi wabihamdehi subhanallahil azeem” if i fail to pray fazr prayer on time i do it after sunrise.can i read this on that time to make it continue.pls reply .how many day i will read it fr my business success in life .
No brother, you can’t read it after Fajr farz prayers. Please do as written there. You need to leave your comforts and wake up before Fajr.
May ALLAH help you. Ameen
thank u fr yr advice .inshaallah i will do accordingly . pls pray for me
insha ALLAH of course.
if i skip some day do i need start again this wazifa?pls let me know . some time i pray fazr namaz few moment b4 sunsrise . so i cannot do this that day . what i will do pls tell me .
Yes start again.
Iys really work.
But u have to read this dua by heart and with full faith.
As salamu alaykum brother,
Please follow
Yes you said right.:)
Salam Im a woman who saw her hair falling in
Dream and I be panicking telling everyone my hair is falling im abit scared is it q bad dream plz tell me.
Hair is interpreted as wealth and beauty. But if such hair falls upon the face or tufts of hair is seen on the cheek it suggests grief and sorrow.
My hair doesnt fall anywhere I can just feel it with my hand that it is thining on the head and I be telling my family that my hair is thining so what does that mean plz
There is no special meanings for thinning of hair. Generally, hair represents wealth and longevity (Duration of service).
Thankyou very much
My pleasure
I been looking for a full time job about a 15 to 18 month now not getting any
please follow first. you can start the above wazifa. Insha ALLAH you will get a job soon.
Salam can u plz answer my question plz thanks
Salm brother I asked for wazifa for bandish for me and my familyi dont know if we do have bandish on us its just nothing is going right for us every decision we make aklwayz goez wrong for us nothing seems to go right for us at all no matter what we do so is there bandish on us and is this the right wazifa for us and also brother what does abshugaan mean thankyou
Wazifa for bandish-
This is not an urdu or arabic word I guess. I think this means when you lost some important thing/person which is the only one that you had.
Salam brother can plz answer my question thankyou .
yes go ahead.
Salam brother can I plz have a wazifa for read for bannazar and baandish plz for myself and all my family plz becuz whatever we do nothing goes right for us no matter what we do everything always goes wrong for us .
Please follow
yes I will provide you insha ALLAH.
Let me know what is “bannazar”
Hi I dont know what the corrett word is I just need a wazifa plz if u can let me know for bandish and also for my family and also every decision we make alwayz goes wrong no matter what we do everything seema to go wrong for us plz give me wazifa for this also for me and all my family so everything goes right for us. Thankyou
Hi u said that it symbolises a persons wife so im a married woman i had the dreamso does that mean it symbolises me if so what does it mean is it good or bad
Hi brother I had a dream where I saw my self looking in the mirror and I see a patch of black hair on the side of my neck can u tell me plz what it means thankyou
This symbolises a person’s wife.
Thankyou so much brother for answering my question.
My pleasure.
Can I please read the wazifa for success in business/job/life forever please .
Looking for job for the past 18 month
Salam wazifa for success in business/job/life can I read it forever .
Can u plz tell me if the wazifa for success in business job /life can I do it forever or only for 15 days
On Google write “MAKE DUA FOR ME” Hit enter and then click “”
As salamu alaykum, Please follow
You can do it forever. Skip during menses.
Jaza kallah khair,
Hi can u plz give me a reply brother thanks wazifa to be successful in business /job/life can I read it forever or is it it for 15 days only.
Can I have a reply plz
See my earlier answer.
Salam the wazifa for success in business/job/life can I do it forever please or just for fifteen days. Thankyou.
As salamu alaykum,
Please follow the website to get benefits and to inbox all the wazaif every month. Yes you can do this wazifa after that.
Jaza kallah khair,
brother i hv already subscribed…n want to talk 2 u prsnally….whenever u hv tym..let me knw….
may allah gv u health n wealth….
Ameen Ya Rabbul ‘Alameen. Insha ALLAH
Assalamu alaikum….brother…can u plzz tell me mere job kb tk lgegi..plzzz main bht pareshan hu…plzz help
Wazifa shuru kare lag jayegi insha ALLAH.
brother mere sath 2-3saal se kucb masla h..mere kuch imp kaam ruke hue hn jisme se ek job bhi h…
beech me mjhe sir drd wgrh ki bhi dikkat thi…to ek sahab ne mjhpr kuch masla batakr ek wazifa bataya jo main kr ri hu…jisse masha allah mjhe fayda bhi h…to kya main uske sath ye wazifa kr skti hu…..
Dono alag alag maqsad ke liye hai to kar sakti hai.
My to be husband is facing some financial problems. He want that his salary should be increased . He has put all his efforts but no results. And his job is so tough that he couldn’t manage to do this wazifa by himself. can i do on his behalf?
Please follow the website to get wazaif & Dua right into your inbox.
You can start a wazifa to get his salary increased, insha ALLAH it will. See the below link to get the wazifa:
Assalamu alaikum.
Thank you for your help to people.
Would you please give me dua for good selling (I have a shop.)
Thanks for your question. Can you please follow the website yaAllah.
For good sale in your shop:
Assalamu alikum,
Very serious Problem is for my Younger sister. We have done second marriage for my younger sister and my brother in law and his family not like to my sister they are treating in wrong way .My sister is with my parents my brother in law always asking money from my parents and my brother in law not like to my sister and my brother in law saying he don’t want to continue the relationship with my sister and my brother in law love with some other girl
My sister wants to continue the relationship with my brother in law
If he will love and if he will take care about to my sister and theirs son
Please send me the strong wazifa for my sister to get her husband back to my sister
Brother insha ALLAH sister’s problem will be solved soon, Ameen. Her husband will start loving her more than anything.
Please follow the website, click on the link that I sent you to confirm membership. Click on this link to see the wazifa-
ask ur sis to recite watten surah…41 tyms wid 11 tyms darood e shareef before n after d surah for 21 days n make a dua… sha Allah …..ur brother in law will start loving her
masha ALLAH great job !!
Assalamu alaikum warehmatullah
Last 20 yrs im suffring frm financial cricess due to what ever do the business or deal failed plz let me some dua or allah ka kalam.
Jazakumullaho khair
As-salamu-alaykum dear,
I need the support. Followers are not supporting and following yaAllah on social networking.
If you can help, insha ALLAH you will get a jaza Ameen.
Please do not forget to share and follow, as this would be a Sadaqah-e-Jariya for you if someone gets any help.
I request you humbly please like and on Facebook, Twitter, linkedIn, Google+, Pinterest
Start a wazifa for this problem.
Please see this link for the wazifa:
Keep visiting and keep commenting.
Jaza kallah kum khairiyan,
Assalamualekum mera sawaal hai k agar ma apni aulad k jagah khud ye wazifa kre tab bhi kya aulad ko job /business me kamyabi milegi
To get job he needs to do this. |)
assalam walekum
mere husbend ki job chali gayi hai aur is waqt ham bahut pareshani me hai. mere husbend ko koi achi naya job milne ki wazifa batayiye. aur mai koi khud ka naya shop opan karna chahati hu is me kamyabi ki dua bhi batayiye…. muje apne problm ke liye kya karna hai batayiye
pls muje mail kardijiye aap ki bahut maherbani hogi mera mail address ye hai..
name: jameela ali
assalam walekum
mere husbend ki job chali gayi hai aur is waqt ham bahut pareshani me hai. mere husbend ko koi achi naya job milne ki wazifa batayiye. aur mai koi khud ka naya shop opan karna chahati hu is me kamyabi ki dua bhi batayiye………
Howdy! This post couldn’t be written any better!
Reading through this post reminds me of my good old room mate!
He always kept talking about this. I will forward this post to him.
Fairly certain he will have a good read.
Thanks for sharing!
Asalamalekum.. Sir if wazifa get’s missed one day den what should i do. Plz reply bcz i hv missed one day. Wazifa regarding sucees in job life.
YAC #0903
As-salamu-alaykum dear sister,
If you are not a follower, I request you to first please follow both the websites- and Also, please like it on facebook, twitter, google plus and others as well. It helps us in promoting our websites which is only developed to help all ummah.
Please do recommend this to all your family members and friends and relatives and to all your known muslim brothers and sisters.
Missed one day then re-perform it.
May Allah Subhanahu Wat ‘Ala forgive all our sins grant you and all ummah jannah. Allahumma Ameen
Jaza kallah kum khairiyan,
English translation is INCOMPLETE.
are missmissing
English translation is INCOMPLETE- Completed now.
assalam o alakum sir g .plzz bta dain kiya ap k bataye gy wazaif k liye ijazat lena zarori h
YAC #0799
As-salamu-alaykum dear sister,
Please follow and and do not beg to me but to Allah Azzawajal. Please visit both the sites and take benefits not for your entire family but for the whole muslim community.
All wazifa are pre-approved and can be done by you.
May Allah Azzawajal forgive me if I am wrong somewhere. Ameen.
Jaza kallah kum khairiyan,
Sa, h r u? I had gone thru al ur websites n hv read al coments n reply. Bt I didn’t find any reply abt thanking u dat their wishes hv ben fufuil etc etc ….. Ev1 juz beging to u to shw dem any wazifa of duas yeh aamals.. Y so???? By doing dis wazifa aamals duas r u sure wishes cum true?? If posible plz reply!!!!!!!
As-salamu-alaykum dear brother,
Juma Mubarak to you!
Please follow and and do not beg to me but to Allah Azzawajal. Please visit both the sites and take benefits not for your entire family but for the whole muslim community.
These wazaif and duas are all from Quran-e-Pak and some based on durood-e-pak. ZikrAllah can remove any hardships no matter how enormous it is. All you need is true faith in Allah Azzawajal and “HIS Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhe Wasallam”.
If you take care of all the ehtaram before performing any wazaif, it will surely effect in your favor.
Keep visiting keep commenting.
Jaza kallah kum khairiyan,
,apku phele bhi meri prob batayi,ab yeh mere bhayya ki hai ek bhai ki shaadi nhi hori woh 34yrs k hai yeh qatar main rethe,doorse bhai ki salary nahi millri 5months saudi main rethe inki shaadi hogayi r 2mnths ka beta hai,,,in dono kelye hamare ammi bht pareshan hai walid ka inteqaal hogay,pls yeh dono keleye wazifa bataye allah hafiz
Please do follow and and do not beg to me but to Allah Azzawajal. Please visit both the sites and take benefits not for your entire family but for the whole muslim community.
Jaza kallah kum khairiyan,
salam sir how are you sir i have started this wazifa SUBHANALLAHI WABI HAMDIHI SUBHANALLAHIL AZEEM 100 times before fajr prayer and i have complete 2 days.
As-salamu-alaykum brother,
Juma Mubarak,
That’s great you’ve started this.
Jaza kallah kum khairiyan,
subhan allah thanx alooooot fa dis lovely n help full information
Your welcome!
Keep visiting and keep commenting.
Jaza kallah kum khairiyan,
Plz give english translation…….
Kindly visit, A whole new Islamic Website for you by
salaam sir;
pl z sir give me dua for success in life and study.thank,s
hello sir pls pls help me.
hello sir pls can you translate me in english i dont know urdu pls pls translate me in english so i can read and become rich and wealthy man pls sir i am waiting reply me.
assalaamu walaiqum sir pls give me a powerful and miracle dua for success in share market and become rich and wealth pls give me i am waiting reply me now.
Walekum as-salam brother,
Please have a look on the wazifa through this link.
Jaza kallah kum khairiyan,
Please Check your email for answer
assalaam walaiqum sir when i will recieve the powerful wazifa pls tell me i want it today pls give me pls give me sir i am waiting pls reply me.
assalaam walaiqum sir i have read the story of sahabi radi ALLAH anho story how he got wealth in 7 days i want that wazifa so i can read and wealth will come to me within 15 days pls sir help me i am from poor family pls i want wealth pls pls sir help me i am waiting reply me.
sir what i have to read pls help me and explain me REPLY ME I AM WAITING.
assalaam walaiqum sir pls give me powerful wazifa so i can become wealthy in 15 days and pls tell me what to read and how many times so i can start from tonight pls help me pls pls reply me i am waiting.
walekum as-salam bhai,
Please visit this link:
Aasalam waleikum hafisab,thanks for sending this valueable wazifas,sir plz send wazifa for illegal relationship,bcoz my father has illegal rltnship with another women from 10 years,my mother was crying a lot by this,so plz send any wazifa or taweez for thia thank u Allahhafiz
But sir je u have not mentioned what to read
Assalam o alikum main apko pehle bhi email krchuki hn plz maire kuch problems hain jin k lie mjhe wazifa batadainplz.maira problem ye hai k maire husband ghusse k bht ziada taiz hai jis ki waja se unki kisi se bhi nai banti even mjhse bhi nai wo choti choti batoon par ghussa hojate hain galian daite hain or hath uthate or realation khatam karne ki bat karte hain ap plz mjhe wazifa batadain jis hamra realation strong or acha hojai hamari 10 months ki baby bhi hai,maire waldain nai hain. maira husband k siwa or koi nai hai.plz reply me as soon as possible.jazakallah.